Chimney Cleaning and Inspection

$150 Plus Tax

50% of for each additional sweep if done at same time.
Fireplace cleanings, woodstove cleanings, pellet stove cleanings, heating system flue sweeps


$75 No Tax

Good work isn't cheap, cheap work isn't good. Free estimates are a thing of the past with the inflation cost Rising daily. A flat rate of $75 will be charged to come out, take a look at your chimney, provide photos, discuss and explain potential repairs, and give you a cost. If you decide to move forward with CT Chimney LLC for the repairs the $75 will be applied to the overall cost of the job quoted prior.

Additional Services


Masonry Repairs and Maintenance

Chimney Rebuilds, Repointing, Crown Repair, Chimney Flashing, Waterproofing, Fireplace and Stove Repair, Cap or Cover Installs, Chimney Flashing Repairs, Firebox repairs, Damper Replacements, Gas Log Inspections


Relining Heating System Flues with Stainless Steel Lining Systems, Woodstove Installations, Pellet Stove Installations, Prefabricated Chimney Repairs, Dryer Vent Cleanings, and Temporary Chimney Repairs(Not Reccomended, but Offered)

Prices vary for generally everything except chimney cleanings.